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Avatar since: 10.09.2007

Age: 31
United States - AZ
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Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Friendship
Name: Kristen ((duhh))
Age: 100-10+5-80=Figure out yourself..
Last logged on: When the fat lady sang
Location: Up ur butt, into the tube.. AROUND yuhr BoobS! xD
Fav. color? Purple bitch you know it rockx
TURTULES! if i had one its name would be Rabbit!
Fav. movies? 13 going on 30, Devil Wears Prada, and 10 thing i hate about YOU!
Music? I <3 all music ((Bitch inculding contry)) I love taylor swift! I love her song Invisible and i love Hot n cold by kate perry!
I like: Friends, Laughing, dancing, parties (woot), Volleyball, Inside jokes, making crazy videos with frans, BOYS,txting, Beachs, My dogiiee, bike rides, Summer, Loud music, scary music, late at night oreos and peanut butter, Shopping, and COFFEE! xD
I HATE! Bitches, stalkers, Cold weather, homework, bad hair days, sad movies, mondays ((cant stand em)), AND STUPID FUCKING ASS BIRD
Hey DoOdEE Ish Leama ((LemerxJan)) :O Awesome i knowrite? xD
just writting about my girl Kristen!! WOOT!
she is amazing that i made a word for her! Its called Fizioo :O
Bitch i know your Jealouse! It means.. My worlds best Blondee Fran! xD No offence Fizioo
BUtt head! if you hurt my Fizioo! DAMN U KNOW WHAT!? U wont ever see fucking daylight agian!
>:D HAHAHAHAHA Its my fizioo ONLY PEOPLE! I <3 Fizioo! ^-^
Well my fran... I have to get off.. v.v b4 fizioo finds out i wrote this without her knowing and then she kills me.. o.O Have a awesome time on her page (( for people who are stupid it means Get the fuck off her page but leave a NICE message)) 8D
--Kristen "n" Lemmerr! :O :D
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you should sign up for imvusale. i always get my credits from here and if you tell them i refered you everytime you or i make a purchuse we both get 1000 free credits! how cool is that!

Creates a new paragraph i always buy people gifts. but never get any in return. i would love u forever if u bought me one. thanks!

[ACS] WINDMILL PARKBlack Sunglasses*VN™ PRIMADONNA4u Disco Bop Dance Floor(MSS) Bodyrolls
[69s] CUPCAKE AVATAR[ganja]sexy blonde girl-WG X-Stream Über Bundle*Pc* Blonde Mora[ACS] CLASSY APARTMENT
[ACS] MODERN BEACH VILLAPenthouse ACaYzCaYz PinkMicrophonesANN Diamonds DIAMONDS(A) Roman Deluxe Mansion
Stormy Beach with BoatsFoot Particles (female)[ACS] GOLDEN APARTMENT[ACS] LOVE SPAspacer
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