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hi. how ya doing. welcome to whatever this is.
welp, i guess i better get the intro out of the way.
please note that i can be a bit random & scattered...
as can be seen by the fact that i've gotten the sections listed out of sync.

just head over to the "About" section...
if you really want to know that much about me/this account anyways.

the "Support" section is about devs i think are amazeballs.
they're either crowding my wish list
or are taking over my avi, rooms, etc.

the "Friends" section...
at the moment is just my secondary account.
where i keep my weirdness at.
the collective that is my many story characters, "personalities", etc.

i'm not sure what the "Love" section is...
i guess it's where i talk about stuff i'm into??

let me just explain a bit about this account.
it's the prime account for my facebork folks... what there are of them.

what you'll see (maybe) is what i look like in IMVU form.
i've tried to get the avi as close to how i see myself as possible.
hard to do when this place doesn't do "non-pretty people".
which is what i am.
less a human than the D&D version of a dwarf...
short, stout, fuzzy in spots and rather on the round side.
and undoubtedly homely.

did i mention i'm on the shady side of my forties?
no? well i am.
though honestly, i look more on the shady side of Fifty, but still... chronologically, i'm around 46...
or will be 46 in May... i Think?

i tend to have the same grasp of time as Doctor Who does...
kinda slippery and fluid. ^^;;

anyway... that's me... well, the bare bones me, as it were.
it's enough for now.
oh and i'm pretty shy, neurotic, moody and more than a little nuts.
there... i think i've scared you off proficiently enough now.

beyond this point, any damage you sustain is on You.

realistically, i don't have any.
short, sweet n to the point, yeah?
but truthfully, mostly on Here i don't have any.
the only one "listed", at the moment, is my secondary account where i keep the majority of my crazy at.

this part is a work in progress...
because honestly
"love" is a strong word.

okay now This one, i get!

these are just Some of the creators and devs i have a ton of
either on my wish list, my avi &/or my rooms.
they're in no particular order

Oy! Derivables by KittenKat

Scaler | Zephyr | Dismay | Joyz | Psykke
stymesh | flavy84 | Mercuria
Moonwok | Miladyk | Mermaidnchains
VanGoGo | HommeViolon | SqkyC
ArtistOgee | HeyBartender | PixelNymph
Thymless | Sybil9 | Bizzylizzy

these are by No means
the Only creators/devs/meshers/skinners/etc.
that i love and enjoy.
this is just the Basic List of those whom i fangirl over.
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