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Ohai! I'm Lizz ^.^ I am 23 years old and I am currently a substitute teacher! (: My dream is becoming an elementary music educator. Fall is my favorite season because 1. its perfect hoodie weather and 2. the leaves changing colors is just super pretty, BUT Christmas is my favorite holiday o3o. I loooove music, especially singing it c; I also love to read, write, and draw. Along with loving music, I really love watching anime and reading manga :D. I also enjoy to RP sometimes, it helps pass time o: but mostly, I just hang out with my friends. I'm..kind of a shop fiend & badge addict x: I like to window shop x3. I'm always ALWAYS open to checking out creators/developers so if you know of someone, let me know so I can check them out :3. I also identify myself as a holosexual, because..holo is life! I am also fairly protective of my loved ones and would do anything for them. I'm a fairly great person to get along with but do NOT cross me or you will regret it. If you would like to know more about me, don't hesitate to message me :D Buh-baiz!

I love all my friends with all of my heart and I am just so thankful to have them in my life, that goes for on here and in real life!

My friends, family, and pets! ♥♥
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